Te mostramos la letra de La canción Human Being (Ser humano), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema Human Being, descúbrelo aquí.
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Human Being
it´s A Whole Different Beast
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Oh yeeeahh
Oh yeeeeeeahh
Well if you don´t like it
Go ahead find yourself a saint
Go ahead now try to find a boy
Who's gonna be what I ain´t
What you need is a plastic doll
With a fresh coat of paint
Who's gonna sit through all the madness
And always act so quaint
I said - a, oh yeah, well - a
It´s your new friend
you´re really
Making a scene, and I´ve seen you
Bouncing around, from machine to machine
But you know that
They're never really
Never really what they seem
And you can count on
Generate some warmth, then you´ll
See just what I mean
Oh baby, baby, baby yeah
And if I´m acting like a king
don´t ya know it´s cos uh
I´m a human being
And if I want too many things
don´t ya know it´s cos I´m a human being
And if I´ve got to dream
don´t ya know it´s cos I´m a human being
And when it gets a bit obscene
don´t ya know it´s cos I´m a human being
I don´t gotta walk around
with my head on down
Just like a human... oh no a human being
I can hold my head so high
Just like a human
A real proud human being
Won't you give me a little sip
Why won't you give me a
drag of that cigarette
Why don´t you try to give me something
That I´ll never ever forget, but now
Could you blow it all
On a million dollar bet
Because you´re liable to lose it
On a best lovin' you´ve had yet
Oh baby baby, oh yeah
It´s like I´m talkin' 'bout the human race
you´re tryin' to cover up a big disgrace
Oh baby, yeah, yeah, yeah
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Well I may think that
This whole scene is just a
too appalling for me
Well, I may be the type
who's just mad about
Funny little thing that I see, but I can
Colour that with history, and make it
Just what I want it to be, well I´m
Blowin' my change on the fan magazines
With all the Hollywood refugees
Oh baby baby oh yeah