Te mostramos la letra de La canción Hair Of The Dog (El pelo del perro), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema Hair Of The Dog, descúbrelo aquí.
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Hair Of The Dog
Heart-breaker, soul-shaker
I've been told about you
Steam-roller, the midnight shoulder
What they been sayin' must be true
Red hot mama, there'll be trouble
I said time's come to pay your dues
Now you're messin' with A SON OF A BITCH
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with A SON OF A BITCH
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Talking jive and poison ivy
You ain't gonna cling to me
Minute-taker, fall-faker
I ain't so blind I can't see
Red hot mama, there'll be trouble
I said time's come to pay your dues
Now you're messin' with A SON OF A BITCH
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with A SON OF A BITCH
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with A SON OF A BITCH
Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch..
(repeated ten veses)
- Escrita por: Dan McCafferty, Pete Agnew, Manny Charlton, Darrell Sweet
- Publicada en los Discos:
- The Spaghetti Incident?